What's Next for Defund: A Post Election Teach-In


Wednesday, December 9, 2020

The People’s Coalition for Safety and Freedom held a teach-in and conversation about where the fight to dismantle the 1994 Crime Bill goes next in the wake of the election.

Our folks know that defund is more than a slogan, it is a policy demand informed by our lived experiences and our analysis of the systems conspiring to oppress our people. We know that while changes in the administration and legislature are deeply meaningful and hard-fought, the fight does not end with this election. This conversation is about what’s next for defund. Our coalition’s advocates will provide an update on the new administration that is taking shape, discuss the evolving narrative around defunding the police, and create space to discuss what the new legislative makeup can mean for our local and national efforts to divest from the prison industrial complex and invest in our communities.