July 2024

Enraizar La Justicia: Hacia futuros espaciales reparadores en materia de tierra y vivienda (Resumen Ejecutivo)


"Enraizar La Justicia: Hacia futuros espaciales reparadores en materia de tierra y vivienda" sirve como documento fundamental de nuestro compromiso con la justicia espacial reparativa. 

Es a la vez un llamado de atención a la acción y una invitación abierta a la colaboración y el diálogo, que abarca las conversaciones necesarias, las tensiones y el crecimiento colectivo necesarios inherentes a este viaje.

En esta publicación inaugural, subrayamos la necesidad urgente de un marco de justicia espacial reparadora en las políticas de tierrasuelo y vivienda. El artículo eleva conceptos críticos, resultados de investigaciones y diversas perspectivas desde el campo, iluminando la naturaleza compleja y multifacética de la justicia espacial reparativa. A partir de una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura realizada por el equipo de vivienda de PolicyLink y conocimientos empíricos de una investigación cualitativa realizada por Social Insights, esta publicación sintetiza conversaciones con defensores, trabajadores de primera línea y líderes de opinión en justicia espacial, reparaciones, justicia de vivienda y justicia territorial. La integración de estos conocimientos formula un conjunto de recomendaciones basadas en evidencia, trazando un rumbo estratégico para profesionales, investigadores, formuladores de políticas, organizadores y defensores dedicados a este trabajo transformado

July 2024

Grounding Justice: Toward Reparative Spatial Futures in Land and Housing (Executive Summary)


Grounding Justice: Toward Reparative Spatial Futures in Land and Housing serves as the foundational document for our commitment to reparative spatial justice. It is both a clarion call to action and an open invitation for collaboration and dialogue, embracing the necessary conversations, tensions, and collective growth inherent in this journey.

In this inaugural publication, we underscore the urgent need for a reparative spatial justice framework in land and housing policy. The paper elevates critical concepts, research findings, and diverse perspectives from the field, illuminating the complex and multifaceted nature of reparative spatial justice. Drawing from a comprehensive literature review by the PolicyLink housing team and empirical insights from qualitative research conducted by Social Insights, this publication synthesizes conversations with advocates, frontline workers, and thought leaders in spatial justice, reparations, housing justice, and land justice. Together, these insights form a set of evidence-based recommendations, charting a strategic course for practitioners, researchers, policymakers, organizers, and advocates dedicated to this transformative work.

April 2024

Shari Williams: Protecting and Building Economic Stability through Heir Property Strategies


Shari Williams (she/her) is the director of equitable neighborhood planning at Detroit Future City, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the quality of life for all Detroiters. For the National Equity Atlas Fellowship project, she designed an infographic highlighting the economic disparities caused by heir properties in Detroit. She also developed a social media toolkit that partners could leverage to underscore why reforming the heir property system is a crucial strategy for building economic wealth and stabilizing neighborhoods in Detroit.

Watch: Recorded Presentation

April 2024

Shirani Jayasuriya: Aligning for Transit Equity in New Orleans


Shirani Jayasuriya (she/her) is a community organizer and communications manager at Ride New Orleans, an advocacy organization dedicated to transit equity and centering the needs and experiences of transit riders. For the National Equity Atlas Fellowship project, she developed an open data portal and dashboard focused on transit and ridership data in the region.

Watch: Recorded Presentation

April 2024

Lina Blanco: Tenant Protections and Preparedness for Equitable Disaster Recovery in Sonoma County


Lina Blanco (she/they/ella) is the communications and cultural strategist for the North Bay Organizing Project. For the National Equity Atlas Fellowship project, she created an interactive digital story and a printable fact sheet for housing justice partners and elected officials. The resources highlight disparities in housing affordability and displacement in Sonoma County due to recent climate disasters. It also underscores the importance of adopting tenant protection policies before climate disasters and other emergencies to mitigate displacement and promote a just recovery.

Watch: Recorded Presentation

April 2024

Lloyd Feng: Improving Visibility and Understanding of Asian American Communities in New York City


Lloyd Feng (he/him) leads the Invisible No More Campaign at the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF). Through this campaign, he advocates for disaggregated race and ethnicity data for Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) communities in New York. For the National Equity Atlas Fellowship project, developed an interactive dashboard for elected officials, highlighting the unique needs and characteristics of disaggregated groups within Asian American communities in New York City.

Watch: Recorded Presentation
