
Results and Indicators for Children: An Analysis to Inform Discussions About Promise Neighborhoods


This paper, produced by ChildTrends and commissioned by the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, explores indicators and results to help focus Promise Neighborhood efforts on the healthy development and education of children.

Successful Research Collaborations: Rules of Engagement for Community-based Organizations


This paper aims to provide guidelines for CBOs, and in particular Promise Neighborhood lead organizations, to consider when working with external evaluators and researchers. At the Harlem Children’s Zone® (HCZ®), we have learned many lessons over more than 30 years of collaborating with researchers. In this paper, we offer our perspective to other CBOs, in an attempt to share the knowledge we have gathered with those newer to the process.

Technical Assistance Self-Assessment Tool


This self-assessment tool contains several categories and, within each category, a set of statements communities can use to assess their current plans and capacity for developing a strong Promise Neighborhood implementation plan.

Using Critical Incidents to Build Leadership Competence


A critical incident is an event in which a leader attempted to address a challenge and things did not turn out as planned. This tool from Raj Chawla and Jolie Bain Pillsbury shows how critical incident analysis can help leaders see things in a new way and try something new.

Planning a Promise Neighborhood


Created by Bridgespan for the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, this 2010 guide is designed to help you hone your decision-making process so that you can focus on the issues that matter most to your initiative’s success.

Opportunity-Rich Schools and Sustainable Communities


This document, created by the Urban Institute, explores seven steps to align high-quality education with innovations in city and metropolitan planning and development.

Promise Neighborhoods: A Comprehensive Approach to Expanding Opportunity for All Children


This is a good example of a fact sheet to include with materials about your Promise Neighborhood to show funders, politicians, and stakeholders.

Know Your Message: A Guide to Media and Communications from the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink


Download our guide to media and communications, with helpful talking points for talking to funders, the media, residents, and community groups about your Promise Neighborhood effort.

Media Toolkit


Use this toolkit to develop a strategic plan to tell compelling stories, engage with media, incorporate results-based accountability, write op-eds, letters to the editor, and blog posts, and create a social media plan.

Focusing on Results in Promise Neighborhoods: Recommendations for the Federal Initiative


Created by the Harlem Children’s Zone, PolicyLink, and the Center for the Study of Social Policy, with contributions by Child Trends, this document was released at the “Changing the Odds” conference in 2009 to advance the discussion about how a focus on results would contribute to the federal initiative.
