
Filling the Financing Gap for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development


Filling the Financing Gap for Equitable Transit-Oriented Development describes the key components of a model system for equitable TOD, the most common challenges regional actors face in moving equitable TOD projects forward and a variety of strategies partners can use to address these challenges. The report includes recommendations for approaches to leveraging public and private funds, coordinating multiple actors, involving the community and managing issues around land use and assembly. LIIF and Enterprise co-authored the paper with support from Living Cities.

October 2013

An Equity Profile of Kansas City Region


While Kansas City's regional economy is relatively resilient, inequities in educational attainment and economic opportunity for its black and Latino communities place its economy at risk. The process of developing this profile helped build a broader coalition for equitable growth that includes the Mid-America Regional Council (a regional planning agency), Kansas City Regional Equity Network, and Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce. Download the equity profile and summary.

Media: Racial, Ethnic Inequities in Kansas City Region Threaten its Future (The Kansas City Star), Racial Inequality Threatens Kansas City Economy (CFED), Kansas City’s Future Depends on Overcoming a Racial Divide (The Kansas City Star), Reducing Inequality Key to Spurring Economic Growth in KC, Expert Says (Kansas Health Institute)

September 2013

An Equity Profile of Rhode Island Summary


Summary: This Rhode Island profile documents the state's rapid demographic shift and performance on a host of equity indicators. Download the full report.

Find other equity profiles here.

February 2013

An Equity Profile of Rhode Island


Our analysis showed that communities of color are driving growth and change in the Ocean State – growing from 7 percent of the population in 1980 to 24 percent of the population today – yet face barriers accessing quality employment. It inspired Governor Chafee’s Executive Order on Diversity, aimed at increasing opportunities for people of color to access government jobs and business contracts. Download the equity profile and summary.

Media: Study Finds Racial Gaps Putting RI’s Economy, Future at Risk (Go Local Prov News), R.I. Urged to Focus on Homegrown Firms (Boston Globe), Governor Chafee Joins Sustainable Rhode Island Consortium for Release of Reports on State's Economic Development Data and Conditions of Social Equity (RI.Gov)

January 2010

The 2010 Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grant Equity Guide


The PolicyLink Equity Guide to Sustainable Communities Regional Planning Grants is designed to help applicants structure equity focused activities into their grant applications. This guide—an update of the inaugural guide released in Summer 2010 in preparation for the first round of grants—provides information on how regions can incorporate social equity into their applications for the second round of funding for sustainable communities grants, announced in early August of 2011. It was written for local governments, metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), nonprofits, foundations, and educational institutions who are interested in developing competitive grant applications.
