Improving Media Coverage and Public Perceptions of African-American Men and Boys


The Opportunity Agenda crafted messaging advice for changing media coverage and public perceptions of African-American men and boys based on existing research and years of work at the intersection of media, communications and racial justice.

This memo is intended to assist those working to reduce stereotypes and expand opportunity for black males as well as those concerned with journalistic excellence and socially responsible entertainment media.

Change is needed in these areas because research and experience find persistently distorted media depictions of black males that contribute to negative stereotypes, unfair treatment, and unequal opportunity in areas ranging from employment to education to criminal justice and beyond. 

Three Ways to Expand Learning


This brief includes three schedules from ExpandED Schools, highlighting the new classes, supports, and activities available to students thanks to the longer day and community assets in the school.

Promise Neighborhood Investment Readiness Criteria


To support sustaining local leader’s efforts, to achieve collective impact by improving the educational and developmental outcomes for poor children in America, the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink (PNI) is working to attract additional investment to network member’s Promise Neighborhood cradle-to-career continuum of solutions. Network members meeting ALL of the criteria described below may submit requests for funding to their peers.

PNI’s Model Legislation to support Cradle to Career Efforts


In the summer of 2014, The Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink (PNI) introduced model legislation to be used at the state and local level to secure support for cradle to career efforts. The Cradle to Career Act of 201_ secures funding for innovative, results-based, and comprehensive continua of solutions that connect children and youth to a high quality education and key health and social services that prepare them to succeed in college and in their careers. The legislation was intentionally drafted in a manner that it may be used to support various strategies that advance educational outcomes from cradle through college and career.

CPB - PBS Learning Correlation Guide


Written by CBP – PBS Ready to Learn Initiative in collaboration with the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, this guide offers a range of high-quality PBS and Ready to Learn resources for children, families, and educators that are organized to correspond with the Promise Neighborhoods results.

Race to the Top District-Level Funding – Partnering with STRIVE and the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink


Race to the Top - District Funding partnering with STRIVE and Promise Neighborhoods Institute.

July 2015

Building Financially Secure Futures: An Approach for Boys and Men of Color

Building the Capacity of Educators and Service Providers to Support Black Male Achievement


This webinar, hosted by the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink, lifts up professional development programs being implemented in Promise Neighborhoods to effectively promote the academic achievement of low-income children of color, with a focus on black boys and young men. 
The webinar focuses on the work the Northside Achievement Zone has done in partnership with the Innocence Classroom program to build the capacity of educators and service-providers to achieve results for black boys and young men and offers guidance for other communities interested conducting this work. 
Speakers include:
-Samuel Sinyangwe, Program Coordinator, PNI at PolicyLink 
-Alexs Pate, Director, Innocence Classroom 
-Jaimee Bohning, Education Director, Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ)
-Hope Lockett, NAZ Expanded Learning Strategist 
-ShaVonda Allen, NAZ School-Based Strategy Manager

Promoting Academic Proficiency in Promise Neighborhoods


Academic achievement is vital to children's educational attainment and economic well-being. Please join the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink for a webinar lifting up best-practices and approaches to improve academic proficiency rates in Promise Neighborhoods communities (GPRA 4). We'll hear from the following experts: 
- Sherry Taubert, Project Director, Berea Promise Neighborhood 
- Christina Theokas, PhD, Director of Research, Education Trust
