Healthy Food Access: A View of the Landscape in Minnesota and Lessons Learned from Healthy Food Financing Initiatives


The Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Wilder Research conducted a mixed-methods study to provide information to those interested in improving Minnesota's food retail environment.

Supporting Age-Appropriate Functioning in Promise Neighborhoods (GPRA 2)


This webinar features best-practices and effective strategies Promise Neighborhoods are using to promote the age-appropriate functioning of young children in their communities. In doing so, this webinar aims to equip Promise Neighborhoods and other community leaders with the knowledge, tools, and resources to turn the curve on the baseline indicator for GPRA 2: the number and percentage of three year-olds and children entering kindergarten who demonstrate age-appropriate functioning. The following experts are featured on this webinar: 
-Michelle Palo, Project Services Director, Northside Achievement Zone 
-Andre Dukes, Family Academy Director, Northside Achievement Zone 
-Maureen Seiwert, NAZ Early Childhood Action Team Co-Leader, Executive Dir. of Early Childhood Education for Minneapolis Public Schools 
-Dianne Haulcy, NAZ Early Childhood Action Team Co-Leader, Office of Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges

Understanding Federal Tools to Build Youth and Family Financial Capability


On Tuesday, March 29 at 2 p.m.EST, the Promise Neighborhoods Institute at PolicyLink hosted a webinar that lifted up strategies to utilize federal tools to build youth and family financial capability in Promise Neighborhoods. We were joined by Anamita Gall (ICF International) and Dr. Deborah Moore (Indianola Promise Community), who shared best practices for using federal tools, such as the Assets for Independence Initiative, to: break the cycle of generational poverty, ensure that students live in stable communities, and integrate financial capability services into Promise Neighborhoods strategies to improve outcomes for all underserved children and their families.

April 2016

The Work for Our Generation: Reimagining Communities of Opportunities for All


Published in the journal of Academic Pediatrics, this paper serves as a framing piece to ground the medical community in the current state of poverty and how it affects children and families. This resource can be utilized to help doctors and policy leaders at local, state, and national levels understand and address all the facets of childhood poverty.

Webinar - Youth, Family, and Community Engagement in Promise Neighborhoods


This webinar features best-practices and effective strategies Promise Neighborhoods are using to promote the age-appropriate functioning of young children in their communities. In doing so, this webinar aims to equip Promise Neighborhoods and other community leaders with the knowledge, tools, and resources to turn the curve on the baseline indicator for GPRA 2: the number and percentage of three year-olds and children entering kindergarten who demonstrate age-appropriate functioning. The following experts are featured on this webinar: 
- Michelle Palo, Project Services Director, Northside Achievement Zone 
- Andre Dukes, Family Academy Director, Northside Achievement Zone 
- Maureen Seiwert, NAZ Early Childhood Action Team Co-Leader, Executive Dir. of Early Childhood Education for Minneapolis Public Schools 
- Dianne Haulcy, NAZ Early Childhood Action Team Co-Leader, Office of Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges

Profile: Portland Mercado


The Latino community in Portland, Oregon, has grown rapidly in the last 20 years, from 3.3 percent of Portlanders to 11 percent, and by 2040 it is estimated that 23 percent of the city’s residents will be Latino. This growth, however, has not been accompanied by increases in opportunity.

Recognizing the important link between access to healthy food, economic opportunity, community building, and culture, Hacienda Community Development Center (CDC) secured a federal Healthy Food Financing Initiative (HFFI) grant in 2012 to develop Portland Mercado, an innovative project which includes a Latino cultural space and public market, bringing fresh food and good jobs to the community.

CED and CED-HFFI Funding Opportunity Announcements


This session presented information about the CED and CED-HFFI grant competition, based on the CED and CED-HFFI funding opportunity announcements (FOAs). It outlined the programs’ purposes and strategies, provided tips and tools for submitting an application for CED or CED-HFFI funding, and identified key application criteria and requirements.

Community Economic Development (CED) Program Overview Webinar


This session provided prospective CED applicants with an overview of the CED program, including the program’s mission and objectives, organizations eligible to apply, the program’s target population, and examples of successful CED projects. The webinar also provided a summary of funding requirements and estimated award amounts. 

A Hearing for Chief Judge Merrick B. Garland

Today, President Barack Obama nominated Merrick B. Garland to be the 113th justice of the United States Supreme Court.  By all accounts, Mr. Garland is an outstanding candidate.  He had a stellar career as a lawyer, both in the public and private sectors, and serves as the Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, perhaps the most prestigious and celebrated federal appeals court in the country.  And in 1997, he received bipartisan support for his appointment to the DC Circuit.

Yet, if we are to believe what we have seen and heard starting just 15 minutes after Justice Antonin Scalia’s untimely death was announced, Mr. Garland will not be confirmed.  Indeed, he will not even get a hearing.  That a candidate as accomplished as Mr. Garland will not be allowed to make a case to the American public that he is the right person for the job and that he will protect the rights and liberty of all people living in this country, is an undeniably glaring signal of how dispiritingly broken and dysfunctional our politics have become.

Of course, there is more at stake with this nomination than the functioning of our political system.  Critically important cases, whose resolution could undermine efforts to advance equity for low-income communities and community of color, are before the Court.  For example, in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin, the Court will revisit the constitutionality of affirmative action.  In Evenwel v. Abbott, the Court’s ruling could undermine the political power of minority groups, particularly Latinos.  And at issue in Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, is the financial sustainability of unions.  Mr. Garland’s appointment, assuming he is confirmed in a timely manner, could lead to rulings that promote equity in all these cases. 

Article II, Section 2 of the United States Constitution states, “[The President] shall nominate, and by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, shall appoint ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and judges of the Supreme Court . . . ."

President Obama has done his job.  It is time for Republicans in the Senate to do theirs.
